Shipley's Choice Homeowners Association
Board Contact Information

You may contact the Shipley's Choice Homeowners Association Board using the mailing address shown below or through one of the board member email addresses.

Shipley's Choice Homeowners Association Mailing Address

    Shipley's Choice Homeowners Association (SCHOA)
    PO Box 671
    Millersville, MD 21108

The SCHOA board meets the first Monday of every month. Meetings are open to members of the Shipley's Choice Homeowners Association community and residents are encouraged to participate. Meeting times and locations will be posted to the Shipley's Voice e-Newsletter and signs displayed on Governor Stone Parkway and East-West Boulevard.

Board of Directors

  • President, Penny Giddens –
    Chief Executive Officer, Chairs Annual and Monthly Meetings, sets the agenda of all meetings
  • Vice President, Austin Holley –
    Acts as President in the absence of the President, provides liaison to State and County organizations
  • Treasurer, Marjorie Glennan –
    Collects residents’ annual assessments/dues, develops annual budget and provides financial reports at monthly meetings, Manages Home Resale Packages, SCHOA EVOICE Registrar,
  • Secretary, Bev Langley –
    Maintains the official minutes of the monthly meetings, establishes each meeting’s quorum for business
  • Director, Austin Holley –
    External Operations liaison to State and County organizations
  • Director, Chris Molander –
    Internal Operations and Contract officer and manager of Common Areas Tree and Landscape services contracts, Manages the Common Areas’ Facility Use Applications
  • Covenants, Penny Giddens –
    Chairs the Covenants Committee
  • Director, Jen Holden –
    Chairs the Architecture Review Committee
  • Director At Large, Judy Jenkins –

Please note: Direct contact using the above email addresses can be done by cut and paste or typing the appropriate email address into your message as needed.

Shipley's Choice Community Sign

General Email Contact Form

Please use this form to contact the SCHOA Board by email.